Our Services

Forward Together offers an intervention service that works with clients and their families to overcome various challenges and trauma, we understand the hidden sentence that family members face when a loved one has an addiction to using drugs and/or alcohol whether illicit drugs or over the counter medication prescribed by a GP.

We are specialists in handling substance abuse and have many years experience in the mental health sector.

Our services cover but are not limited to the following types of support, if you have a need that you feel does not fall into one of these areas, please get in touch as we may be able to help.  

Drugs and Alcohol Support

Forward together provides a compassionate service that helps those who have become dependent on drugs or alcohol. We can help reduce this dependency. Should you want to control your drinking or want to help a loved one, for a fixed fee, we would have an experienced hand with you 24/7 for a fixed term and help to coach that person to get things back under control, using proven techniques.

Private in-home Detox

Forward together now provides an in-home private detox service. 

This means that your detox sessions will be within and amongst your family members and closest ones. We have provided this service in order to remove the need for you or your loved one to travel before they can get a comprehensive detox service.

Life Coaching

Forward Together works in partnership with experienced Life Coaches that deal with varying aspects of life. We work expertly to help you uncover your personal and professional life goals.

Our Life Coaching Service is also suitable for those who are battling alcohol addiction or who have just come out of addiction. We help you uncover the fulfilling path for you as an individual.

Mental Health Support

Life happens, and sometimes we feel down about things for an extended period of time. Forward Together provides guidance and support on Mental Health worries.

Supporting a loved one battling addiction can sometimes feel draining. Depression and other mental issues do set in at times. Forward Together is here to help you at times like this.